Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Cumulative ideas and Teacher Salaries


The money is provided for the teacher's salaries.

An educational blog post is meant to inform the audience. The person who posts the blogs do research to find important information on the topic. The research gathered comes from reliable scholarly sources that have the correct facts to pull from. The blog is a source that feeds information to the audience that has been gathered on a specific topic. As mentioned by Wang Hong in an article about blogs, blogs are educational collections of information about a specific topic.  

After reading and writing several of blogs over this semester, I have learned a lot about several interesting topics. I have found that I am very interested in the ideas of teachers’ salaries. I have read some of my classmates’ blogs on this topic. They brought up several interesting points in their discussions. They all have decided to go into teaching because of a passion that they have had since a certain age in their educational career. They, just as I, are disappointed with the pay that teachers receive. Teacher salaries do range differently throughout different states and counties.  Some counties pay a lot more, but the number is usually still disappointing. Increasing salaries would not only help provide comfort for the working teachers but allow many students better educations. I am tired of the judgement and comments that follow when I tell people that I wasn’t to be a teacher. Grace mentions a similar conversation that she had with her dad. I agree with her that the future teachers in America are not doing it for the money. 

Overall blogging has been very informative for me. It has allowed me to research different topics that I find interesting and write about them. I would use a blog in my classroom as a way to communicate with parents and keep them informed on what is going on in the classroom. My students will be too young to be able to read a blog post. 

Cumulative ideas and Teacher Salaries

  The money is provided for the teacher's salaries. An educational blog post is meant to inform the audience. The person who posts the b...