Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Teacher Salaries

Teacher teaching a young child.
Teacher Salaries are a very popular topic surrounding the field of teaching. Teachers have fought for years to better their pay. It is a nationwide issue that has been an important topic in the news for a long time. Teachers have staged many walkouts and marches to bring awareness to what they are struggling with. Many of these teachers will discuss their salaries as 'barely enough to live'. Statistics even show that starting salaries for teachers have dropped extremely in the past 3 years. As this is not being fixed, many teachers are getting a second job just to make ends meet. This is a problem as these teachers are being very overworked and are still constantly battling money problems. Society sees this so the question is when will the change come? 

It is not a secret that teachers are not paid much compared to other careers and not nearly what they deserve in such a hard field. Teaching is a very demanding job as you work from around 6 in the morning to 6 at night. The hours, emotions, and energy that teachers put in every single day should reflect better pay. I know that teachers get paid differently based on the schools that they are a part of. I would like to work at a school of religion but that is going to take a toll on my pay as they are paid even less than public school teachers. Teachers are judged by society for doing a so-called easy job or a job with no pay. We need to change this. More and more teachers are quitting because they are not treated in the way that they deserve to be. As I tell people what I am in school for, they stick up their noses and ask me if I am sure that I want to do this. Of course, when people talk to me that way it hurts my feelings, but I then remember what I am doing this for. I do not care about the pay I will receive; I am doing this to make a difference. I am saying all this to say that there needs to be a change. No one would be where they are today without their teachers. It is a crucial career and needs to start being treated as such with a better salary and a more positive society. 

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